The following figure illustrates the connections which need to be established from and to EME. These are:
connections to the allover test system (left side in the picture).
connections to the inverter under test (right side).
The active motor simulation is using water cooling.
An inlet temperature of about 15°C is recommended (10…25°C). Keep cooling water clean, filters are recommended to avoid remnants in the heat exchanger which reduce the cooling capacity.
A flow limiter should be added to define the water flow. Flow rate is depending on average and peak power. Typical values are 5…30l/min. please monitor the EME temperatures as shown in chapter
Make sure that cooling water is only applied when necessary to reduce the amount of condensing water.
For proper operation the active motor load requires connections to the overall test system. The figure in chapter 6 illustrates the test system connections on the left side, while red marked wires contain hazardous voltages. The blue marked lines correspond to the cooling tubes.
Connections are designed with modular Harting connectors as far as possible to make sure that no wrong connections can be established. Furthermore, the same connectors may be used for different international standards. Connector counterparts are delivered together with the system.
All connections are available at the top of the cabinet.
Safety + electronics supply
The following Harting HAN-connector is applied for connection to the HVDC power supply.
Pinout is as follows:
Pin1 HVDC+
Pin2 HVDC-
Both male and female connectors are protected against direct contact. This is necessary because the active load buffer capacitors may be charged even when disconnected.
The following Harting HAN-connector is applied for connection to the electronics supply and the safety interface. The pinout is as follows:
On the right side the functionality of the safety interface is illustrated, both for switches and the analog output for DUT voltage measurement.
Use the Ethernet cable with RJ45 connector for communication with a Windows-PC.
Currently not applied in software.
After the tester internal connections are ready, the wiring to the DUT needs to be established. The figure in chapter 6 illustrates the DUT connections on the right side, while red marked wires contain hazardous voltages. The blue marked lines correspond to the cooling tubes.
SIN/COS Simulation
Please refer to chapter 4.2.1 for functional description
Resolver Simulation
Please refer to chapter 4.2.2 for functional description
Motor phases, HV-DC supply and exciter wires are connected according to the picture below. Preferred, the cables are marked with the following labels to make sure not to mix them up:
Always apply shielding clamps and strain reliefs similar to the following picture:
Since there are several wires for three DUTs, it is be a good choice also to mark the wires with DUT1, DUT2, DUT3.
Always make sure to establish low impedance connections:
ring lugs must lie flat on the current bars!
Do NOT use washers in between ring lugs and current bars!
Use an appropriate torque wrench to fix the wires with
30Nm for the motor phases and HV-DC+/-.
15Nm for the exciter connection
Always make sure to reduce EMC noise:
The shielding of the motor phases must be properly connected to the shielding rail with EMC-shielding clamps.
For this purpose, the outer isolation of the motor phase wire has to be removed in the area of the shielding clamp. The shielding clamp is pushed over the open shielding and is linked on the shielding rail.
The same procedure with shielding clamps and strain relief holds for the Exciter and HV-DC connections.
Additional to the EMC-shielding clamp, a strain relief has to be mounted in the lower part of the shielding rail. The same procedure with shielding clamps and strain relief holds for the Exciter connections.
Always make sure to connect all DUT connections are fitting to the dedicated pin. Otherwise, the DUT or the system may suffer damage:
Interchanged motor phases may lead to inacceptable high phase currents on single phases and may cause overload on DUT or emulator
Interchanged HV-DC-connection result in short circuit of the HV-power supply. This is clearly visible, when the HV supply is active, in current limit and the voltage remains below 10V.
Since the DUT inverter may be a source of electrical noise, measures need to be taken to reduce emissions from the DUT. Most emissions are radiated over the motor phase cables. Thus, special care needs to be taken about:
Proper Shielding of motor phase, HV-DC-, and Exciter-cables
Proper grounding of the DUT and test system.
Positioning of power and signal cables
When operating the system, it is crucial that all power cables are properly shielded on BOTH ends. I.e.
At the emulator connection
At the DUT-housing
Use shielding clamps at the emulator connections:
Make sure that all power cable shields are properly connected to the DUT housing by metal bushings:
To make sure, that the DUT housing as a proper ground connection, establish an additional ground wire to a good potential earth Ground.
And keep as much distance as possible between signal cables and power wires to reduce cross interference. If there is not enough space, avoid routing them in parallel, prefer orthogonal orientation.
The connector is rated for Thus, use power supply below this rating.