Here basic settings for the application are made, which can influence both the display and the calculation.
Significant Digits: Sets the number of significant digits if numbers are rounded or formatted for display or in the report
Use simplified group names: Concerns the automatic naming of groups. If activated, the name of the grouped column is omitted and only the value itself is used as name of the group, e.g. instead of "Product ID: XYZ" only "XYZ". Depending on the source of the grouping in the report, this will be easier to read. If the grouping is unclear, a descriptive name can also be helpful
Use group name as default graph title: If activated, the "Graph Comparison" module uses the group name as default for the graph name. Otherwise the name remains empty and must be set by the user
Defines the parameters for the calculation of some process parameters. When changes are made, the formulas are automatically updated to visualize the effects. See also the section Measurement Analysis Table!
Histogram Groups: Sets the number of groups used for histogram generation. If "0" is entered here, the program will automatically calculate a reasonable number based on the number of measurement data
The sections History and Statistics and Graph Comparison of the View Settings define preferences for the view in the respective modules.
Theme: Changes the display of the whole application (dark / light)
Visual Groups: Specifies the maximum number of groups that are visualized in the graph at the same time. If there are more groups, only the number set here will be displayed in graphs. This has no influence on the number of groups in the tables.
Here the default paths for various export files are set.
You can also define your own logo for the report, which will replace the IRS logo