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TUI Release Notes

[4.13.0] - 2024-06-06


  • Minimum supported TestStand version changed from 2013 to 2017! For older TS versions, please use TUI <= 4.11
  • Loading / Reloading a project does no longer clear the result list in operator view
  • Operator View: inactive sockets are now hidden in tab view instead of showing a tab with socket nr "-1"
  • Selecting a new project while a test is running now displays a less irritating warning text instead of an application error
  • Variables are no longer sorted alphabetically in OperatorView on multiple request
  • DevExpress controls version 23.2.3


  • Subprogress bar is now supported also in operator view (grid mode) and UUT overview panel
  • Improved layout control to operator view (grid mode) and UUT Overview panel:
  • Number of columns (or rows) can now be set in application settings
  • UUT numbering orientation can now be set to horizontal or vertical
  • Multiple rows of UUTs are now supported in grid mode. A vertical scrollbar is added if UUTs don't fit in the available space

  • New context menu in sequence file view:

  • Set / Clear Breakpoint
  • Set Runmode (Skip / Normal / Force to Pass/Fail)
  • Run / Loop selected steps
  • Set Step List configurations
  • Step properties

  • New context menu in execution view:

  • Set / Clear Breakpoint
  • Set Runmode (Skip / Normal / Force to Pass/Fail)
  • Run / Loop selected steps
  • Set next step to cursor
  • Show step in variables
  • Show step in sequence file (requires manual tab selection)
  • Set Step List configurations

  • New context menu in test socket list (execution view):

  • Break
  • Resume
  • Restart
  • Terminate Execution
  • Abort


  • Some shortcuts did not work as expected (F5, CTRL+D)
  • Unload all modules did not work
  • Selecting an invalid project base path (such as C:\Programs) would result in a crash at next startup
  • Fixed column width of variables list view in UUT panels

[4.12.0] - 2023-07-18

Pure service release without new functionality. NOTE: .NET Framework 4.8 required!

Changed - Target framework is now .NET Framework 4.8 for all components - NLog upgraded from 4.7.11 to 5.2.2

[4.11.1] - not released

Changed - Internal refactoring of operator view components, no functional or visible changes

[4.11.0] - 2023-04-20


  • Support of Romanian and Spanish language
  • New "PreLoad Command" feature for test projects. Allows to execute a shell command before opening the sequence file

[4.10.2] - 2023-03-27


  • Auto Scrolling option in Execution History and Result List views

[4.10.1] - not released


  • unofficial test version with temporary support of Romanian and Spanish language

[4.10.0] - 2023-02-07


  • Result Statistics are now optimized for vertical docking and only consume a single column in this case
  • New option for content of error message (Show error code or step name or both)
  • New option to reset long-time and / or session statistics on startup or project load
  • New option to highlight a user which is logged in with a different name than the defined standard user (autologin user). A colored frame is shown around the TUI window in this case
  • Highlighting of result status changes in UUT overviews
  • Support for StationId in UUT panels (use StationInfo message to add StationId)


  • Sequence file version was not properly updated on project load
  • Some display settings of result statistics were not saved
  • Selected status filter was not applied when switching between long-time and session statistics
  • Corrupted statistic files are now automatically re-initialized and indicated by application warning and system messages
  • Splash screen is now automatically closed before showing any message with dialog service to avoid hidden messages during startup


  • Tab/Grid view setting of Operator View is now stored in Appsettings instead of project files to avoid unintended overriding of potentially released / freezed / committed files

[4.9.3] - 2022-07-11


  • PartNr now correctly displayed in OperatorView for TS version >= 2019


  • Set undocumented flag in engine to switch back to synchronous modelstate message behavior similar to TS2017

[4.9.2] - 2022-07-07


  • fixed possible crash caused by DevExpress components when logging in/out with remote desktop
  • fixed serialization issues with Execution History, Socket Statistics and Error Statistics columns


  • Upgraded DevExpress components to V22.1.3

[4.9.1] - 2022-06-08


  • fixed an issue where navigation and other buttons were not reactive after starting TUI with a project file as command line argument

[] - 2022-01-19


  • fixed an issue where temporary globals could be edited without privileges in expert view
  • fixed a potential overlapping of splash screen and licence dialog at startup
  • installation path is stored for both 32 and 64 bit version
  • options dialog can now be cancelled
  • variables lists in operator view are now scrollable


  • added UUT picture display in UUT overview (expert view)
  • installer now supports selection of optional components
  • installer now remembers previous components selection
  • new module "Socket Statistics" (optional)
  • new module "Step Results" (optional, requires special UIMessage)
  • new language support: Czech
  • increased maximum height of UUT Panel in expert view to fully support larger pictures
  • TUI now supports multiple operator views
  • layout changes in expert view can now optionally be protected (open, close, move windows)
  • entering expert view can now optionally be protected for unauthorized users
  • reports can now be opened directly from (standard) operator view
  • new UserMessage SysRotateStations command for easier roundtable handling


  • internal structural changes, moved several internal functions to separate dlls for better modularity
  • full separation of 32-bit and 64-bit versions regarding installation paths and settings
  • NLog updated from 4.3.6 to to 4.7.11
  • IRS Licensing updated from 2.0.2 to 2.1.1
  • optimized UUT picture display and space usage in operator view
  • optimized access to image files. The file can now be deleted immediately after sending the message, which allows dynamic temporary image generation (e.g. graphics)
  • splash Screen now stays active until application startup is completed
  • documentation updated for 4.9
  • changed access rights to included StepTypes to writeable for all users


  • internal property PictureURL (string) was replaced with UutPicture (contains cached bitmap)

[4.8.2] - 2021-06-09


  • updated irs licensing

[4.8.1] - 2021-06-04


  • improved result statistics layout for low resolutions

[4.8.0] - 2021-03-25


  • allow .xtst file extension
  • new grid layout for start view

[4.7.4] - 2020-09-18


  • added a slider to the result statistics view to dynamically adjust the size of the charts
  • added checkboxes to the result statistics view to give the end-user more control over the visual representation of charts (label positioning and text pattern)


  • the filtering will be applied to the total eternal- and session-counter at the result statistics view

[4.7.3] - 2020-06-17


  • added an option to the settings to show/hide total and session counter from operator view

[4.7.2] - 2020-06-09


  • the layout file could not be (de)serialized due to some missing control IDs

[4.7.1] - 2020-05-26


  • overworked result statistics view

[4.7.0] - 2020-05-14


  • added a session and a long time counter to the result statistics and default operator view

[4.6.2] - 2020-04-30


  • execution history view caused a crash when using report file extensions with less than 3 characters

[4.6.1] - 2020-04-15


  • operator view layout is now automatically restored


  • added a new property to make test projects hidden

[4.6.0] - 2020-02-17


  • docking layout is now automatically restored when the application launches


  • added an alternative layout to operator view to visualize several sockets in parallel (TUI standard operator view)
  • added new run-time editor view for temporary globals defined in testprojects
  • added new buttons to main menu (restore/import/export layout)

[4.5.24] - 2020-01-10


  • new IRS licensing method! License files are automatically upgraded to a new structure. Downgrading to versions < 4.5.24 will require a new license file!
  • sorting projects by label by default


  • execution time not properly reset / updated in TS2019 under certain conditions (70)
  • set value messages (sys/uut string/numeric) were not properly decoded when name contained square brackets (71)
  • ignoring CustomSettingsFolder on settings import


  • added "save as" button to project editor
  • added file dialog to config export

[4.5.23] - 2019-09-20


  • New option "Keep Last Result" which prevents result status from being overridden by "Idle" or Waiting" (Default: true)
  • Updated documentation sections "Options" and test project editor
  • Allow to move docking windows outside of the application (e.g. to a second screen)

[4.5.22] - 2019-09-09


  • new ExecInfo state: Disabled (also available for UutSetResultStatus message)


  • (62) UUT data is now properly reset when "Show waiting status" is enabled

[4.5.21] - 2019-09-04


  • new setting: show expert view after a project is loaded


  • improved single uut view header layout for smaller displays

[4.5.20] - 2019-08-14


  • Corrected shutdown behavior (fix 50). TestStand components are now properly disposed.
  • Improved error message when using wrong / invalid TestStand installation (bitness)
  • Improved behavior of ProgressPercent. Now values are rounded and coerced to 0...100%


  • Installation default path of 64 Bit version
  • Trying to close window when execution is active now results in a message box (no choice of termination)
  • Received invalid progress percent values are now coerced to 0...100% instead of discarding the message



  • Updated the operator view for a plugin



  • Updated the operator view for a plugin



  • Fixed closing of test sockets at exec start



  • 64-bit version (should only be used for internal tests as of yet)



  • (50) improved shutdown procedure and fixed an issue where main window had to be closed twice (while first click initiated an incomplete shutdown)
  • save focused cell value when project editor is being closed


  • improved project selection by adding sorting and searching functionality
  • the project editor is now setting relative paths



  • incomplete and missing property descriptions
  • improved shutdown behavior


  • new option "UnloadCodeModulesBeforeExecution" (Default:false)


  • Open executions and code modules are no longer automatically closed before each execution start (this happens on project load anyway). Use the new option if you need to keep the old behavior



  • result statistics were invisible due to a missing dll



  • re-added missing theme dll



  • (43) SysGuiCmd did not execute any command (e.g. "reset_errors")
  • (42) Repeated Error Handling option "Set Error Flag" did additionally set the stop flag, which is not the expected behavior. Now only error flag is set and operation continues.



  • autostart was not working anymore



  • removed MahApps framework



  • autostart was not working anymore



  • error when suppressing warnings in custom operator views



  • app settings migration on upgrade



  • performance & stability improvements
  • styling bugfixes (Windows 7)



  • standard window title was missing



  • import/export for the settings


  • improved performance for docking
  • improved performance for changing to the expert view for the first time
  • minor visual upgrades


  • removed project manager from menu and options



  • restructured solution
  • minor improvements


  • unnecessary dependencies



  • Validate edit project buttons when user changed



  • New/edit project dialog for start view


  • IRS Testproject Manager



  • switched to new licensing method / server
  • switched to DevExpress v18.2
  • 19: Large Address Aware (LAA) flag is now set, TUI now supports 4GB RAM on 64bit systems (3GB on 32bit) instead of only 2GB.


  • 18: TSResultParser caused an internal exception if ResultRecording was disabled



  • 5: sub progress bar: Additional progress bar for subprocesses. Main progress bar can now exclusively be used for test progress.
  • new step type for subprogress bar
  • new additional "evaluated" variants for almost all GUI step types


  • 15: underscores were not correctly displayed in operator view
  • 13: fixed layout problems with certain picture sizes



  • 6: startup problems with licensing message screen



  • introduced new licensing method
  • switched to .Net 4.5.2 (was 4.5)



  • 4: usage of unknown ProductIDs in DisplayProducts (TestProject) caused application error
  • 3: enabled Flag in Tool menu items was not evaluated



  • operator view layout changed. Systeminfo now separates better from UUT state
  • project picture is now used instead of IRS logo, if defined
  • buttons Start/Stop are now colored and change their activation state depending on running execution (OV and toolbar)


  • options menu now supports browsing for folders



  • display behavior: flag for "old" UUT data is now reset in PreUUT (Waiting) instead of PostProcessingComplete. Messages in PostUUT no longer clears the existing UUT info



  • new display option "Show Waiting State"
  • UUT information is now optionally kept as long as possible (until new UUT is detected) when "Show waiting state" is disabled
  • performance iprovements in Execution History
  • Execution History erlaubt nun "Merged Grouping" bei gedrückter STRG Taste


  • external changes to loaded sequence file are now ignored when test is running
  • improved display of Runtime Errors, even from Callbacks
  • iproved permission handling
  • FailureStepInfo is now only creeated when result is failed


  • 1066: PanelId in TestExecution was wrong when using StationInfo Message
  • 1063: UUT info was cleared too early
  • 1059: Errors in Callbacks (ProcessSetup etc.) were not displayed



  • new versioning schema: IRS Modular TestStand UI (TUI) now starts with version 4.0 to avoid confusion with its precessors ( ...


  • 1006: new GUI StepType UUT_SetPicture (displays a UUT picture on demand)
  • 1002: now multiple report files per execution are supported (e.g. when using multiple activated report plugins)
  • 904: Sequence File View now can load multiple sequence files to allow setting of breakpoints in dynamically loaded files
  • 858: ResultStatisics now resettable individually per product
  • 897: visibility od history bar now configurable
  • 901: Error statistics: stepname, sequence name, sequence filename and error text were added
  • 898: Display of machine name in Operatov View. Additional Custom Sytem Name in Settings as alternative to TestSTand StationId
  • 895: GUI Command (StepType) 'reset_errors'


  • 965: About Screen can't be closed
  • 934: error statistics / error info
  • 933: error statistics was reset on start/stop
  • 932: Missing button execution history
  • 931: scrollbar for error statistics too small
  • 922: „Break on Step Failure“ and „Break on Sequence Failure“ now cleared on start
  • 921: incomplete shutdown
  • 896: Automatically clear error statistics ad start of test
  • 873: Logfiles are now located in %PROGRAMDATA%\IRS\TUI\Logs
  • 892: UUT View now stores width and heigth of UUT panels