Operate Software
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After connecting all system components and the DUTs, and after power up, the motor emulator may be operated by software either manually by a remote panel but for most test systems by an automation software.
The Emulator comes by default with a LabVIEW library “IRS.EME.TS.API” including dependencies for integration in user specific automation software.
Alternatively, the user may use low-level TCP-IP communication with a command-response structure, based on JSON command description (see “EME Example Communication.txt”).
A test panel is provided to control EME manually. It contains most control functions of the LabVIEW library. Thus, in the following software functions are explained based on the test panel because of good illustration. The explanations for the test panel may be transferred to operation with automation software.
The „EME_RemotePanel“ software may be used to control EME manually. It may be opened in parallel to the automation software.
The panel includes up to 8 functional sub-panels and controls to handle the IP-connection.
System: general status (software version, temperatures, CPU-load)
Config: general configuration (motor and sensor parameters)
Control: operation parameter (“induced voltage”, speed,…)
Function: operation parameter for fixed position
Streaming: waveform measurements
Errors: indicates error flags
ICTRL: advanced settings for inverter operation, not for emulator.
IRS: critical and advanced parameters only accessible by IRS
The respective functional sub-panel may be selected in the control “Testpanels”.
The following controls and buttons are used for connection handling
IP-Address: identifies a specific EME in the network
Scan: searches for visible EME in the network
Connect: establishes communication with one EME
Disconnect: stops communication with one EME
Log: shows communication status with EME
orange items show errors
There may be several EME in one ethernet network. The respective EME is addressed by his IP-Address. You may either enter the known IP address directly in the yellow marked field:
Alternatively, you may search for existing EME in the network. By pressing the following two yellow marked buttons:
After pressing the “Connect” button all other functions in the sub-tabs are available.
After pressing “Disconnect” no operation is possible.
In the Log window the communication status is listed:
Connect event
Disconnect event
Errors (marked in orange with error description)
The log window may be cleared with the button “Clear Log”.
After pressing the “STOP” button, the test panel will close.
In the system status overview the following parameters are shown:
General information:
Software versions of
EME-API (LabVIEW-library on PC)
RT-Software (real-time firmware on EME)
FPGA (lowest level firmware on EME)
Control board
Serial number
Internal temperatures
Temperature values of EME
Temperatures of “Opponent”
in case of combined 6-phase system.
In most cases all “Opponent” values may be ignored.
CPU load
Operating times of
sbRIO (real-time controller + FPGA running time)
EME (powered operation time while EME is active).
In the Config sub-panel, generic motor and position sensor parameters may be set. The order of configuration is not relevant. Settings in this window may be changed at any time while EME is not activated.
The configuration parameters on the left side describe the motor parameters and are as follows:
Set Role
“Single” for normal Emulator operation -> valid for most application
“Inverter Single” for Inverter operation -> typical use-case for sensor calibration
…Master/Slave… Master- and Slave-Configurations are only used for 6-phase-systems. Please contact IRS for simulation of 6-phase motors.
Set DUT Parameter
“SPWM” pure sinusoidal modulation (usually not used)
“SVPWM” standard Space-Vector-PWM (standard setting).
Set Motor Parameter
Polepairs: number of motor pole pairs (typical 3…4, must be >= 1)
Offset: Theta offset of position sensor (Range +-1 for +-180°)
Angular Displ (6ph): only used for 6-phase motors (0 by default)
Set Transition
Smooth Transition should always be enabled to avoid too fast change of modulation.
Slope [delta/10µs] typical value in the range about 10-4…10-7
Set Network Parameters
Resistance [Ohm]: typical resistance of the setup (200µ … 1m)
Inductivity [H]: typical applied inductance (85µH)
The configuration parameters on the right side describe the position sensor parameters and are as follows:
Set xMR Parameter
Offset: DC voltage of SIN/COS sensor signals (typical 2,5V)
Amplitude: amplitude of SIN/COS sensor signals (typ. 2V)
Set xMR Multiplier
AMR/GMR_SIN/COS_P/N: factor between mechanical frequency and SIN/COS Signals (typ. 1…3)
Set Resolver Parameter
Transfer Factor: quotient between sine or cosine max. amplitude to excitation amplitude
Calibration: usually default values (100%, 0°)
Sine Amp [%] correction factor in case of symmetry difference
Cosine Amp [%] correction factor in case of symmetry difference
Phae Correction [°] phase shift correction between sine and cosine
Set Sensorless Enable
Enable sensorless mode: if set to True, the emulator ignores position sensor. And calculates current position from DUT PWM. Position sensor signals are generated nevertheless.
In the “Control” sub-panel, EME may be activated and the operation points may be set.
Set Interlock On/Off
Prepare EME for activation
When set, some general parameters like “Role” may not and can’t be changed!
Set Inverter On/Off
When set, EME is activated:
It starts synchronization to the DUT in case of emulator modes
In Inverter role, it immediately activates the outputs to control current on the motor load
The feedback flags
“PWM sync”
is immediately activated
and remains active until “Set Inverter On/Off” is reset by the user.
It indicates that EME “should be active”
“Inverter On/Off”
remains activated, as long as there is no error condition.
I.e. it is reset as soon as an error occurs.
Set Space Vector
Sets the “induced voltage of the motor” relative to DC-link-voltage.
Only use quadrature; do not use direct, because this leads to unnormal phase shifts.
I.e. if quadrature set to 0
there is no induced voltage from the motor
no real power simulated
I.e. if quadrature set to 0.9
maximum induced voltage of the motor (90% of available DC-Voltage ½ )
maximum real power is simulated
the limit of this parameter is 0.9.
Set Speed:
Defines both
position sensor signal frequency
is generated independently from EME activity
both for resolver and SIN/COS
motor output frequency
Typical values are 0…500Hz.
The motor output frequency is calculated as speed * polepairs.
Set DUT Current
Reserved, currently unused parameter.
Sub-panel “Functions” contains the following two functionalities:
AutoSync Enable
Set to True to enable easy synchronization.
Explanation for this function see chapter 4.6.
Set Stop Rotation
Stop Rotation:
False: rotation motor is being simulated
True: motor at fixed position is being simulated
Theta [-180…+180°]
In case of stopped rotation, this position will be set.
Please note that the simulation may only move to the selected position, when speed is non-zero!
By using the “Streaming” sub-panel waveforms may be captured from EME. Waveform streaming is started after:
Start Stream
button is pressed -> window appears to adjust streaming sampling rate
100kS/s is the maximum sampling rate,
10kS/s is mostly sufficient and leads to higher performance on the PC.
When stream is active, different waveforms may be selected:
With the LabVIEW API the user may additionally:
Continuously stream data to file (TDMS format)
Get characteristic values from stream (RMS phase currents, DC-voltage,…)
See “Eme_STREAMING_MemoryStream_GetChannel_TS.vi”
The waveforms have the following meaning:
phase currents of inverter phase U, V, W
positive values mean direction into EME
negative values out from EME
The waveforms have the following meaning:
DC current from HV power supply
DC current to DUT
Positive values mean motor operation of EME
Negative values indicate recuperation operation
Calculated value from phase currents in d/q-direction
Optional exciter current for simulation of externally excited motors
DC-Link voltage
When EME is active: Duty cycle generated by EME on motor phases U,V,W
When EME is inactive: represents a “theoretical” duty cycle, which would be applied when EME would be active
Measured duty cycle from DUT
Current mechanical position
Current electrical position ( = mechanical position * polepairs)
Reserved for 6-phase systems
Reserved for 6-phase systems
“Errors” sub-panel indicates errors, which may occur:
With the button “Reset Errors” errors flags may be reset as soon as the error is not present anymore. The error flags indicate:
Period out of range:
There was no PWM-signal from DUT
either on specific phase U,V,W or on any phase
Overcurrent Phase U/V//W
Software overcurrent shut-down
current on respective phase exceeded +1000A or -1000A.
one sample (10µs sample time) is sufficient to trigger this error.
The DC link voltage fell below configured limit.
The limit is configured in EME and may be adapted by IRS.
IGBT Phase U/V/W High/Low side:
If this error occurs, there is a hardware damage on IGBT power switch.
Power stage must be repaired.
Overcurrent (</> 1000A) Phase U/V/W/Inverter/DUT/Rotor
Indicates that the HW overcurrent shutdown has been triggered by the respective current sensor
There is a separate indicator for every phase and polarity
Overcurrent Sum Current
Software overcurrent detection for sum current of motor phases
Any Temperature
… Warning: any temperature sensor (see chapter 8.2.2) exceeded warning limit
… Error: any temperature sensor (see chapter 8.2.2) exceeded error limit
The limits are configured in EME and may be adapted by IRS.
All error flags from second linked EME - reserved for 6-phase systems
The sub-panel „ICTRL” may be used for inverter operation. It contains settings for using EME in current controlled mode.
The following parameters need to be set for inverter operation:
Set ICTRL Frequency switching frequency in Hz
Set PWM Type
SPWM sinusoidal modulation
SVPWM standard space-vector-PWM
Set CTRL parameters
ICTRL_PI_Kp: proportional value of current controller
ICTRL_PI_Ki: integral value of current controller
ICTRL_Overshoot: max. difference between setpoint and actual current
Set ICTRL active/inactive
When False:
use direct modulation via space vector d and q component
When True: use
Set Voltage Setpoints
Sets the “induced voltage of the motor” relative to DC-link-voltage.
Only use quadrature; do not use direct, because this leads to unnormal phase shifts.
I.e. if quadrature set to 0
there is no induced voltage from the motor
no real power simulated
I.e. if quadrature set to 0.9
maximum induced voltage of the motor (90% of available DC-Voltage ½ )
maximum real power is simulated
the limit of this parameter is 0.9
identical parameter as in chapter 8.2.4 (control sub-panel)
Set Current Setpoints
Sets the phase current to control in direct and quadrature direction in A
Set EME Standalone
Should be always active (default setting)
Only used for IRS
Furthermore, the same buttons and controls as in “Control” sub-panel are visible for easy operation (Set Interlock On/Off, Set Inverter On/Off, Set Speed, Reset Errors).
In the following chapter typical programming flows are described for normal Emulator and Inverter operation.
The following figure illustrates a typical programming flow for inverter operation, especially as it is used for current sensor calibration of the DUT.
The following steps and parameters show a typical setting for inverter operation, especially for current sensor calibration, where DC currents are applied on the motor phases.
In the table,
Absolutely necessary commands/parameters are marked in yellow and blue for environment
recommended parameters are marked in green, they are set by default.
while others are not relevant.
The order in the table should be regarded as order of commands, which should be sent one after another to EME.
Italic steps are environment settings. Bold written command name can be found in the JSON communication description file:
Setup environment
Connect Passive load
short EME output via DUT in active short circuit, while HV-DC supply of DUT is disconnected.
Disconnect DC from DUT
Connect EME
Default =
EME configuration commands:
Inverter Single
Polepairs = 1
Default parameter, other values possible
Offset Theta = 0
Angular Displ. = 0
True @ 1e-6
Other value possible
Default parameters, recommended for
standard setup
Default parameters, recommended for
standard setup
Default parameters, recommended for
standard setup
Default parameters, recommended for
standard setup
Must be active for current control
Must be 0 before activation
Default, must be True
Other value possible, typ. 0…200
Must be false for rotating operation and sync.
Activate Environment
Activate HV-Supply
Must be above undervoltage limit
Activate Cooling
Typ. 5…10 l/min depending on current profile
Activate EME
Action without parameters
From now on, EME output is active and may be operated at different setpoints.
The following steps may be executed at any time during operation.
Operate rotation and apply current:
Other value possible, typ. 0…200
Direct = 0
Quadrature = 0…600
Please make sure that proper water cooling is active when applying currents >50A!!!!
Operate at fixed position (necessary for current sensor calibration) while applying current:
Theta = -180 … 180
Typical current sensor calibration positions:
0° / -120° / +120°
Direct = 0
Quadrature = 0…600
Please make sure that proper water cooling is active when applying currents >50A!!!!
Reading measurement values from streaming data is available with LabVIEW library.
Deactivate EME
Direct = 0, Quadrature = 0
Cleanup Environment
Shutdown HV-Supply
The following figure illustrates a typical programming flow for emulator operation. After configuration of EME and DUT, the synchronization of EME to DUT must happen. Afterwards the user may run a current profile, while EME parameters may be kept constant of may be changed at any time.
The following steps and parameters show a typical setting for normal emulator operation. In the table,
Absolutely necessary commands/parameters are marked in yellow and blue for environment
recommended parameters are marked in green, they are set by default.
while others are not relevant.
The order in the table should be regarded as order of commands, which should be sent one after another to EME.
Italic steps are environment settings. Bold written command name can be found in the JSON communication description file:
Setup environment
Connect DUT Hardware
(phases, DC, position sensor, communication LV-supply)
Wrong connections may lead to critical currents and damage.
Connect EME
Default =
EME configuration commands:
Polepairs = according to DUT
Default = 1
Offset Theta = accord. to DUT
Default = 0
Angular Displ. = 0
True @ 1e-6
Other value possible
Default, must be True
Other value possible, typ. 0…200
Direct=0, quadrature=0.05
Should be low, but q > 0 is recommended
Enabling is recommended.
If DUT increases its duty cycle slowly before synchronization, it may also be set to False.
Must be false for rotating operation
and during synchronization.
EME configuration commands depending on position sensor, either SIN/COS, resolver or sensorless.
In case of Resolver:
TransferFactor = 1,
SineAmplitude = 100 [%]
CosineAmplitude = 100 [%]
PhaseCorrection = 0 [°]
Parameters according to DUT resolver parameters.
Here, default parameters are shown
In case of SIN/COS:
Offset = 2.5
Amplitude = 2.0
Parameters according to DUT sensor parameters.
Multiplier defines the ratio of signal frequency to mechanical speed.
GMR_SinP_Multiplier = 1
GMR_SinN_Multiplier = 1
GMR_CosP_Multiplier = 1
GMR_CosN_Multiplier = 1
AMR_SinP_Multiplier = 2
AMR_SinN_Multiplier = 2
AMR_CosP_Multiplier = 2
AMR_CosN_Multiplier = 2
Parameters according to DUT sensor parameters.
Multiplier defines the ratio of signal frequency to mechanical speed.
Activate Environment
Activate HV-Supply
According to DUT volt.
Must be above undervoltage limit, dep
Activate Cooling
Typ. 5…10 l/min depending on current profile
Activate DUT
After this step, DUT must activate PWM output
Activate EME
Action without parameters
Must be activated before DUT duty cycle is too high.
From now on, EME output is active and may be operated at different setpoints.
The following steps may be executed at any time during operation.
Operate rotation and apply current:
Other value possible, typ. 0…200
Direct=0, quadrature=0.1…0.9
Higher quadrature -> means higher induced voltage -> higher real power -> higher DC-current.
Set DUT current
Within the possible power ranges of the system!!
Negative current setpoints usually result in recuperation operation.
Both d- and q-current may be applied, while q-current leads to real power and higher DC-current.
Reading measurement values from streaming data is available with LabVIEW library.
Deactivate EME
Set DUT current
Cleanup Environment
Shutdown HV-Supply